
Sunday, June 5, 2022

McColl Open Studio on the Lawn - Friday June 10th, 6 to 9 PM


McColl Open Studio on the Lawn - Friday June 10th, 6 to 9 PM

P O T L U C K - Exhibtion

In times like these, we find comfort in the humble tradition of POTLUCK, a meal in which members of a community offer what resources they have to be shared by all. This tradition, which grew popular during the Great Depression, feels necessary today, not only as an act of self-care but as an act of radical compassion for our neighbors.

McColl Studio Artists Emily Berger, Wil Bosbyshell, Tamara Conrad, Christopher Holston, Doris Kapner, Taylor Lee Nicholson, Emily Nuñez, Lauren Puckett, Samantha Rosado, and Nill Smith offer up works of art that explore how to survive in an increasingly hostile society.

Welcome to our POTLUCK. You are welcome here.

Above: Insolent Boy, Acrylic on Paper, 7 x 7 feet 

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