
Saturday, December 18, 2010

A walk around the exhibition

It was a cold day yesterday (for Charlotte)...a great day to be inside looking at art!  Lets begin at drawing 1 seen here in the foreground. 

Next to drawing 1 is a display of two sketch books filled with preparatory drawings. 

Onto drawing 2 on the inside of the gallery space.  In the background is drawing 6. 

On the wall to the left is drawing 8.  This is a half size drawing which is only 3 feet tall instead of 6 feet.  I used this drawing to work out several details for the larger drawings.  In the foregound is the exhibition review by Robert Mayhew, Phd. candidate in art history art Duke University.  Mike Watson did a great job creating this poster. 

Finally drawing 3.  Here you can see the magnets I used to hang the drawings like Japanese scrolls.

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