
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Drawing Five Progess during the Gallery Crawl

Last night I drew a lot on this drawing during the Southend Historic District Gallery Crawl. The Gallery Crawl happens every first Friday of the month. My studio is part of the Southend Gallery Crawl, but the NoDa (North Davidson) arts areas also participates. Mark your calendars, the next gallery crawl is Friday, September 4th.

It is a little distracting to draw with so many people around, but I enjoy the conversations that I have with people during the event. At one point in the evening, I put the drawing up on my desk so I could work on the shadow cast on the ground, the hands, and feet. So, I got a lot done on the lower part of the figure. I generally try not to let one part of the drawing get ahead of the rest. I usually work on the drawing evenly, not concentrating on one part over any other.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at your new website with considerable interest when it was first brought to my attention several days ago. I like the drawings, and I am always amused by the unorthodox visuals that emerge from artistic minds. Louise McCagg, the wife of my mentor, is a sculptor. She created some really strange human shapes, including a piece with what appeared to be a male face poking out of a banded cylinder. Since I am at heart a boorish, non-sophisticate, in jest I dubbed her creation “Man Fired from Cannon.” She was not amused. Maybe you can call your series “Naked Women Holding Rocks.” This is a great website.

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