
Friday, July 10, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Starting a new drawing is easy for me. I just start putting marks on the paper. Beginning a new series of drawings, however, requires many, many decisions. What type paper do I want to use? As with everything in life today, the choices are almost endless. I decided to use gray paper for my larger drawings. It is a light gray so that graphite shows up well. Also, I may decide to use white charcoal or color pencil on these drawings, so gray allows for that. I wanted a textured paper, so I chose one with a slight texture. I paint on rough paper and I did not want to use paper that was too rough. In the above sketch, I experimented with color charcoal or conte. I like this effect on white paper, but it did not look as good on gray.
The composition of each drawing calls for making decisions as well. In this sketch, the figure is 'winning' against the rock. She is pushing the rock up and off the top of the page. I will experiment with this choice in my composition as the drawings progress.
The number decisions we face in everyday life or as artists can become overwhelming. That is one of the weights we face in our society today. I wanted to limit the number of decisions I faced with this series. This lead me to drawings over paintings, to simplify the number of decisions I faced as an artist each day when I walked into the studio.


  1. I have become to believe that process of thinking about the work is just as fun as doing the actual artwork. You look like you have a good start. Can not wait to see more.


  2. The process is fun. The thinking is fun when it comes naturally, but if I have to think too hard it can ruin the fun of sketching. I love to ask myself questions and answer them in the art.
