
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Merry Christmas from the Bosbyshells

Merry Christmas from the Bosbyshells

2023 is almost in the books, so here are a few updates and thoughts from Maura and Wil.

Wil and Maura are now both full-time artists. Maura launched her own brand, Bosbyshell Art + Home with designs for home décor. Wil had his first museum exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum of Raleigh. 

Maura curated her first exhibit: Abundance Now featuring nine Charlotte artists. Wil exhibited his hiking drawings in December; and he teaches two art classes each semester at a community college. 

We both exhibit our work at the Sautee Inn in North Georgia and were lucky to spent many days there with Atlanta friends. 

My mother, Caroline Bosbyshell, turned 90 in July and we threw a big bash for her in St. Petersburg, Florida. Nearly 100 people came to celebrate her; it was wonderful to see so many friends and family. 

Muara and Wil spent a lot of time trying to keep up with our son Allen. He bought a car and drove across the lower part of the country from North Carolina to California. He saw family and friends along the way, and hit his friend’s bachelor party in Las Vegas on his way back. He moved from Chicago to Atlanta. We will miss visiting him in Chicago, a city we adore. But we love seeing all our friends and family in Atlanta. 

Take care of yourself and the people you love! To miss-quote Michael Stipe, “The special things fade away, replaced by every day.”

Happy New Year!
Your Friends, Wil & Maura Bosbyshell

Wil cell: 704.458.0600

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Alaska Christmas White-out

by Wil Bosbyshell

Allow me to state the obvious, it snows a lot in Alaska. 

My first winter in Fairbanks, Alaska it snowed five feet in five hours; an unbelievable foot per hour. It was amazing to anyone, but to a native Floridian it was magical. During that blizzard it eventually snowed 72 inches in 72 hours with snowflakes three inches in diameter as they fell blanketing Fairbanks. It looked like I was in a magical animated movie!

That same year in Anchorage it snowed so much that even the local wolf packs were impressed. The wolves who lived in the mountains north of Anchorage could not hunt their normal prey due to the snow depth, so packs of wolves snuck through Anchorage eating every dog they came across. Needless to say, many pet owners were unhappy. On the upside – less annoying barking …just saying. 

When I skied at Alyeska Ski Resort that year, over 80 feet of snow accumulated. By March the two-story chairlifts snaked through canyons of snow with the skiing surface above the top of the lifts. It’s hard to picture this: the ski slope was above the top of the two-story lift towers! 

For my second winter in Alaska, I invited my sister Mary Helen to visit. She would see more snow than she could imagine. 

To my great disappointment, a week before Mary Helen's arrival in Anchorage the temperature soared above freezing; over the course of four days all the snow vanished. I was heartbroken. This never happens in Alaska!

I devised Plan B. It may have been a balmy 40 degrees in Anchorage, but it was a pleasant 20 degrees in Fairbanks with lots of snow; we would go north for Christmas! 

On her way up to the un-frozen north, the man sitting next to my sister on the plane proposed marriage. The ratio of men to women is so skewed in Alaska that it was customary practice for a man to propose marriage to a woman on first meeting her. It may be your last chance, after all. My sister turned him down, she was already engaged and was even wearing the engagement ring. 

My sister arrived a few days before Christmas. We toured around Anchorage, and then drove into real winter toward Fairbanks.

My Alaska mode of land transportation was a 1979 Ford Mustang. Not the quintessential Alaska vehicle, but it was fully equipped: roller-ball snow tires with inch and a half metal studs, battery blanket, engine block heater, and extra interior heater. 

Fairbanks was a six-hour drive from Anchorage on the only paved road in Alaska’s interior. You couldn't make a wrong turn or get lost, as there were no roads to turn off onto. We reached the only gas station at the midpoint or point of no return. We got out and took photos in front of the abandoned three-story igloo hotel. The igloo hotel is still there and still abandoned. In the middle of our photo session, it began to snow. 

This is before The Weather Channel and Doppler radar, so we didn't know that this was the leading edge of a blizzard. We headed north straight into the as yet un-bared teeth of the storm: the snow increased, the wind increased, and the temperature dropped… a lot and fast.

I was getting a little worried - not much. I had been in Alaska a year and a half! I wasn't a cheechako, a person who had not survived an Alaska winter. I had been through plenty of blizzards I reassured myself. I heard an army pilot say that they could hear the universe go ‘click’ when their airplane fuel gage reached the point of no return. I heard that ‘click’ now… and it was not a sound I wanted to hear.

I could still see the orange flags that marked the edge of the road. The paved driving surface was indistinct from the tundra, flat and white to each side of the road as far as you could see through the falling snow. I decided to casually and calmly give my sister a description of my emergency supplies in the car's trunk: vapor barrier boots, sleeping bag, tent, stove, rations, etc. My description only scared her. 

The temperature was dropping to dangerous levels. Sevier cold can cause even small mistakes to become life-threatening situations. 

The road was stark white and the sky above the road was light gray, just enough difference for me to steer by. The snow swirled at the edge of my headlights outside of which the day was pitch black. The blizzard was approaching white out conditions. Not good. No cars were coming south, in the opposite direction, which was a bad sign. I slowed down a little as the car slipped slightly in the building snow. There were no cars behind us, an even worse sign. The flags on the side of the road were showing less and less above the building snow. 

A white-out comes with a warning of sorts. Your visibly decreases as the snow creates a curtain between you and reality. Your vision becomes flat losing perspective. That loss of perspective was happening now. 

My driving safety and staying within the boundary of the road was dependent on my ability to see the line where the earth meets the sky with the forced perspective of the road edge markers converging into the distance. 

All that flattened now. There was no horizon line, no road edge, no falling snow – just the white nothingness.

The line between the road and sky disappeared into one white blur; we were in a white-out. 

We couldn't turn back like I said, having passed the point of no return to Anchorage. The snow was overwhelming my one-and-a-half-inch metal tire studs, no ice, just too much snow. I was a very experienced winter driver by this time in my life, but I didn’t want the car to slide into a deep snowy ditch in the middle of nowhere at minus 10 degrees. I eased my foot off the gas, slowing the car but not stopping.

Just when I was beginning to think about panicking, I saw two lights behind us. Bright, high lights. It was a snow grader – a miracle with six wheels! 

It was the kind with the blade in the middle and the cab on top up high. 

I waived it past me, pulled in behind it and let out a big sigh of relief. I followed the grader all the way to Fairbanks, not even slowing down though Nenana’s one traffic light. We never saw another car or person! No one else was stupid enough to be out in this blizzard. 

We had a great Christmas with my friends and fellow army officers the Reagors. She was a helicopter pilot, and he was an artillery officer. By the next day, Christmas Eve, all the roads were plowed, Fairbanks didn't miss a beat. 

We went to the North Pole, the city of North Pole that is, which is just to the east of Fairbanks to visit Santa’s Workshop. Being Christmas Eve, Santa's Workshop was in full swing. I mailed postcards, to be stamped ‘North Pole AK.’ I submitted several naughty lists for my young cousins. Santa would write letters keeping my young cousins in line for next Christmas. We didn't see Santa; of course, he was flying around the world delivering Christmas presents. We talked to several elves, their job was complete for the year, they were very relaxed. Santa's workshop is still on St. Nicholas Drive in North Pole, AK. It has a website and an 800 number. Santa is real; don't let anyone tell you different. 

We drove north of Fairbanks, stopped to take a photo next to the Alaska pipeline. It was very famous, having been recently completed. We then drove further north to where the paved road ended. At the end of the world, I mean road, the Highway Patrol has a special station. To continue north on the road to Prudhoe Bay you had to sign a waiver. The waiver stated that you were certifiably crazy and knew how dangerous it was. The state of Alaska was not responsible for your death if you were dumb enough to preceded. A classic waiver if there ever was one. Only ice truckers used this road. 

After Christmas my sister and I headed for Alyeska Ski Resort in Girdwood Alaska. The mountain begins at sea level and goes straight up to 4,000 feet. Resort may be stretching the term a little; the hotel rooms were trailers linked by an inside hallway. Mary Helen really didn't know how to ski; she was from the South after all. Nevertheless, she had skied before. 

Alyeska has a Bunny hill, the run would be a triple black diamond on any southern ski resort. Being the worst brother ever, after two runs on the bunny hill I took my sister, who could barely ski, to the top of the mountain. I wanted to ski in the high bowl area, so I gave her a map and made plans to meet her for lunch. Fortunately, she didn't ski off one of the many 2,000-foot cliffs to her death. She was rescued by a man who got her to the midpoint lodge and asked her to marry him. Of course. She turned him down. 

My sister is still mad at me 30 years later about her almost skiing over the unmarked 2,000-foot cliff. I can't imagine why? She lived! It didn't spoil our trip. Does a life and death experience to get between siblings? Of course not! Mary Helen and I had experienced several of those already! 

That night we were sound asleep having worn ourselves out skiing. I woke suddenly with a start as I flew out of my bed and hit the floor hard. My mind slowly grinded its gears: why was I on the floor? Was I drunk? No. I hadn't drunk that much. 

Then Mary Helen landed on top of me, “Ouch!” My sleepy mind noticed that the floor was shaking, I looked around, everything was shaking. An earthquake! I had never been in one, it had to be an earthquake. The safety brief on earthquakes dictated we run for the door frame. Part of my brain told me to do just that. Naturally I ignored that thought; I was 25 and invincible. In addition to the shaking my ears were filled with sound … a roar. It could only be one thing: an avalanche! I had never been in one of those either. 

So, with no logic or common sense I jumped up and ran for the plate glass door on the ground floor facing the ski slope and the 4,000-foot mountain of snow, throwing open the curtains. It was indeed an avalanche barreling and roaring down the mountain straight for us. My sister joined me at the window of death.

Wow, my brain registered the mistake we had just made. Damn, my mom is going to kill me if my sister gets hurt, I thought. Before we could move or tear our eyes away from the wall of snow… it began to slow, then stopped a football field away. Lucky. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell Mama about this,” I said. 

We skied through New Year's Eve. At midnight hundreds of local kids with flashlights skied down the mountain on every run so the entire mountain was bright with the light of the New Year. Beautiful. 

While the band played Huey Lewis & the News ‘Power of Love’ we danced and drank. Mary Helen and I were at a table in the bar watching the spectacle when I left to go to the restroom. On my return all the chairs at my sister’s table were full of men. 

As I walked up, my sister introduced us, “Joe, Mike, Todd this is Wil…” At this pause in her introduction, the men looked at me their faces turning into unhappy frowns. “Damn,” they all thought. I could read their minds, “She already has a boyfriend or a fiancé.” My sister continued the introductions, “Wil ... my brother.” The men's faces morphed immediately into joyous smiles! A single woman! In Alaska no less! I drank for free all night as the brother of the lone single girl at Mt Alyeska Ski Resort on New Year's Eve. And the fact that she was beautiful only added to the novelty. All three of the men proposed marriage over the next few hours. They were disappointed but not surprised at her rejection. 

My sister mailed me photos from Florida a few weeks later. “All my outdoor photos from the trip were ruined,” she said due to poor photo development. “All the photos are so dark,” she wrote exasperated. I wrote back to her saying nothing was wrong with the photos. She forgot that Alaska had no sun in the winter; the sun had set in October. Her photos were dark because it was nighttime during her entire trip! You just grow accustomed to how dark it is in Alaska in the winter.

It was an exciting visit: warm front, blizzard, white out, earthquake, and avalanche … what more could you want in a fun family holiday trip? 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

HIKE Art Show - December 8th 6 to 9 PM


Opening Reception: December 8th     6 to 9 PM

Exhibit Duration: December 8 to January 3, 2024

Trails & Scenic Places

Take an artistic journey with Wil as he hikes and sketches the scenery of North Carolina. The month-long exhibit at the Charlotte Art League Gallery features watercolor paintings and drawing in graphite and colored pencils. The exhibit will feature scenery in the North Carolina and north Georgia mountains:

  • Carolina Thread Trail 
  • Mountain to Sea Trail 
  • Blue Ridge Parkway 
  • Sugar Creek Greenway 
  • Crowders Mountain 
  • Grandfather Mountain 
  • Mt. Yonah, Georgia Elkin & Waynesville, 
  • NC Great Smokey Mountain National Park Blowing Rock, NC
  • Doughton State Park
  • Thistle Meadow Winery
  • Grassy Creek Winery
  • The Sautee Inn
  • Hardman State Park, GA
  • Ribbonwalk

Wil combines his love for hiking with his passion for art, both of which he has nurtured throughout his life. His first experience hiking the NC mountains was on a family trip to Mt. LeConte. As a middle schooler, he was thrilled by encounters with bears and wild horses and the sudden storm at the top. His parents were not as thrilled, and to this day, have not returned.  Growing up, as a Scout, he hiked trails in North Carolina, North Georgia, and Florida on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout and later, a Scoutmaster, leading his son’s troop.

Wil’s father particularly liked hiking Grandfather Mountain. “One of the best hikes in North Carolina is the Grandfather Mountain profile trail. Its challenging and loads of fun,” says Wil. Unlike Mt. LeConte, he and his father returned to hike Grandfather Mountain several more times.

Similarly, as an art major and Army ROTC cadet at University of Georgia, Wil hiked and rappelled Mt. Yonah in the north Georgia Mountains. He recently had the opportunity to return to Mt. Yonah for hiking and sketching this time. 

He hikes solo, with his wife, his son, friends, or with a Scout troop. Wil is often inspired to sketch on site as he hikes. He may finish drawing on location while munching on a granola bar; or he may return to his studio for the final touches. Certain sketches go on to become one of serve as a basis for his larger Climate Conversation drawings, which are large scale true studies in pencil.

The exhibit features over 50 drawings and paintings both framed and unframed. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Abundance Now Opening Reception Friday, November 3

The Charlotte Art League (CAL), in partnership with Charlotte-based artist and curator Maura Bosbyshell, announces the opening of Abundance Now, a comprehensive art exhibition featuring nine Charlotte-based artists. The opening, with the artists in attendance, will take place on Friday, November 3 from 6-9 PM at the Charlotte Art League; the exhibition will also be featured in a gallery crawl on Friday, November 10.

Abundance Now offers a stellar line-up of local Charlotte artists who work in a wide variety of mediums and dimensions, including drawings, prints, paper mâché sculptures, and wearables. In addition to its depth and breadth, this exhibition highlights both self-trained and traditionally-trained artists who employ unique approaches to their creative practices. Much of the work will be available for purchase.

“My goal in curating this exhibition is to bring people outside of the artist community into the creative fold, and highlight a strong line-up of artists who deserve space and voice. This exhibition shows an excellent cross-section of artists and genres, and the intentional variety in this show offers an opportunity to expose a broad and diverse audience to their work,” curator Maura Bosbyshell notes.

Muralist/Collage Artist

Print artist

Woodcut Artist and Pattern Designer

Multimedia artist

Alternative Photography and Multidisciplinary Artist

Paper Mâché Sculpture

Mixed media artist

Drawing and painting

Textile & Digital Designer

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Fall Stag (Release date: September 23rd at The Sautee Inn)


Fall Stag 

(Release date: September 23rd at The Sautee Inn)

Signed Canvas Print by Wil Bosbyshell

The Story: Seasons of the Stag 

For Fall, yellow and red leaves rain down on the Stag, dried branches around his neck! A chipmunk plays in the antlers. Wil was approached by friend Steve Schulman about a series of drawings he had long envisioned. Steve had approached other artists but was never able to realize his vision. So, Wil and Steve collaborated through a series of sketches, which eventually became the four paintings. The Stag is represented by a regal North American species whose antlers become tree branches, a surreal element that ties into Wil’s Climate Conversation series of tree drawings. In the original work, the stag itself is graphite, and seasonal accents are in watercolor. Over the next year, Wil will release a Stag print each season. 

Wil Bosbyshell's Fall Stag print is ready to hang in your home. Each giclee canvas print is hand-signed by the artist and is gallery wrapped, thus requires no framing.

12 x 9   inches  $200 plus tax & shipping

16 x 12 inches  $300 plus tax & shipping

24 x 18 inches  $400 plus tax & shipping

Larger sizes available on request. Allow three (3) weeks for delivery. 


Seasons of the Stag released at 

The Sautee Inn

The final print, Fall Stag, will be unveiled on September 23rd at the Historic Sautee Inn in the northeast Georgia mountains near Helen, Ga. 

The Sautee Inn is a restored, historic bed and breakfast that features eight comfortable rooms adorned with antique furnishings alongside modern comforts. Guests enjoy a gourmet, country-style breakfast prepared by accomplished chefs daily and top off the evening with decadent desserts. 

The Inn features Wil Bosbyshell’s drawings and paintings. Maura Bosbyshell’s custom textiles adorn several rooms and common areas. 

See more about the historic Sautee Inn at their website: 

Contact Information

The Sautee Inn 

Rebecca Hollis

Ron Geraneo    706-878-8217

2178 GA Highway 17, Sautee Nacoochee, GA 30571

Wil Bosbyshell

Bosbyshell Art Studio 704-458-0600

Purchase Prints: 



Instagram: @wilbosbsyehll

Thursday, September 7, 2023

a Tribute to Polly Redd - Sheep & Elephants

A Tribute to Polly Redd
Sheep and Elephants

by Wil Bosbyshell

A news article came to my attention during a break between meetings at work. ‘Church announces three new Saints’, it exclaimed in the bold headline. “There are no saints, that's all hooey,” one of my coworkers announced unsolicited. You know the type; every office has one.

“Are you sure,” I countered.

“Yes, everyone is flawed. Nobody is perfect enough to be a Saint.” “You don't have to be perfect; you just have to perform a miracle or two,” I added.

“Miracles, ha. It’s dumb nonsense.”

At home that night my wife, my son and I were going over the rules for the upcoming Epiphany pageant at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. “It says here that kids between two and three are to come dressed as sheep,” Maura read out loud from the church bulletin. My son spoke up immediately, “I don't want to be a sheep. I want to be an elephant.”

“There are no elephants in this story, you have to be a sheep,” I chimed in trying to sound very excited about sheep. “Sheep have fun black ears and noses,” added Maura. Allen was not deterred, “I. Am. A. Elephant.,” as only a two-year-old can say with conviction.

Maura looked at me, “Well, we have the elephant costume left over from Halloween.”

We both looked down at Allen; he looked up with his arms crossed and a very serious look on his face. “Elephant it is,” we concluded.

The next Sunday we entered the church filled with kids and parents preparing for the pageant. It was controlled Episcopal chaos. The director of Christian education, Polly Redd, met us at the door. We stopped to get our instructions. Polly barked at a couple of kids, “No, not there,” she swung her arm and pointed, “Over there!” The kids moved quickly to obey.

Polly was imposing, loud and definitely in charge. She held detailed instructions for the pageant in a folder in one of her hands.

I ventured sheepishly, “Polly, Allen didn't come as a sheep he is an elephant.”

Polly turned to look at us, registered my statement and quickly looked down at the elephant standing at my side.

Allen was dressed head to toe in elephant gray. He had big gray elephant ears, an elephant trunk, elephant toes sewn onto his gray sweatpants and an elephant tail. At the circus Allen had been the envy of every kid under the age of five as he rode my shoulders into the performance.

Without missing a beat, Polly yelled, “I'm sure the wisemen had an elephant. Allen, go over to that corner,” she pointed, “and join the wisemen caravan.”

“Those three boys will tell you what to do. Parents,” she pointed, “you sit over there.”

We all obeyed our instructions.

Polly yelled, “Where is Mary and the Manger Cat?”

Allen went over and joined the wisemen, boys all about 8 years old. He was in heaven.

Maura and I sat down to wait for the service and the pageant to begin. I thought, “I disagree with my coworker, you meet Saints every day.”


Polly Redd died in the spring of 2023. She was the heart and pillar of many Episcopal Churches including Holy Comforter and several others in the Charlotte area. Through her life she communicated the gospel in a clear strong voice that never wavered from her faith in God.

Monday, August 7, 2023

2023 North Carolina Artists Exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum


I am excited to announce that I was juried into the 2023 North Carolina Artists Exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum in Raleigh on October 6th.


RFAS celebrates diversity of thought, experience, and culture.

From a small exhibition in 1964, RFAS North Carolina Artists Exhibition has evolved to become the largest annual all-media juried exhibition in the state. This juried exhibition offers artists an opportunity to present their works before a renowned art professional, art aficionados, and potential buyers. In its over 50-year history, thousands of North Carolina artists’ creative work has been celebrated in the North Carolina community.

The 2023 North Carolina Artists Exhibition will be held at the Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh at 409 West Martin Street, Raleigh North Carolina from September 24, 2023 to October 22, 2023.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Tree Memories from Climate Conversations Exhibits

This is page one of a compilation of memories gathered from folks at several Climate Conversation Exhibits. These are memories that people shared of a tree from their past. Some are profound, some are silly, some are fun. I hope it makes you think about the climate and how we can save our planet. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Cool off in the Georgia Mountains!

Spend your last few weekends in the cool North Georgia mountains at a fun Inn with cool art and antiques. We are! In the area are fun hikes, a bunch of wineries, good restaurants and rafting. 


The living room at the Sautee Inn near Helen, GA. Filled with art and fun. 

Art and unique textiles by Wil and Muara Bosbyshell.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Summer Stag (Release date: July 29th at The Sautee Inn)

Summer Stag 

(Release date: July 29th at The Sautee Inn)

Signed Canvas Print by Wil Bosbyshell

Wil Bosbyshell's Spring Stag print is ready to hang in your home. Each giclee canvas print is hand-signed by the artist and is gallery wrapped, thus requires no framing.

12 x 9 inches    $200 plus tax & shipping
16 x 12 inches  $300 plus tax & shipping
24 x 18 inches  $400 plus tax & shipping

Larger sizes available on request.   Allow three (3) weeks for delivery.


The Story: Seasons of the Stag

For Summer, the Stag is wreathed in Day Lilies in full bloom! A profusion of summer leaves fill the antler / branches with color. Wil was approached by friend Steve Schulman about a series of drawings he had long envisioned. Steve had approached other artists, but was never able to realize his vision. So Wil and Steve collaborated through a series of sketches, which eventually became the four paintings. The Stag is represented by a regal North American species whose antlers become tree branches, a surreal element that ties into Wil’s Climate Conversation series of tree drawings. In the original work, the stag itself is graphite, and seasonal accents are in watercolor. Over the next year, Wil will release a Stag print each season.

Seasons of the Stag released at The Sautee Inn

The third print, Summer Stag, will be unveiled on July 29th at the Historic Sautee Inn in the northeast Georgia mountains near Helen, Ga.

The Sautee Inn is a restored, historic bed and breakfast that features eight comfortable rooms adorned with antique furnishings alongside modern comforts. Guests enjoy a gourmet, country-style breakfast prepared by accomplished chefs daily and top off the evening with decadent desserts.

The Inn features Wil Bosbyshell’s drawings and paintings. Maura Bosbyshell’s custom textiles adorn several rooms and common areas.

See more about the historic Sautee Inn at their website:

Contact Information

The Sautee Inn

Rebecca Hollis
Ron Geraneo 706-878-8217
2178 GA Highway 17, Sautee Nacoochee, GA 30571

Wil Bosbyshell
Bosbyshell Art Studio 704-458-0600
Purchase Prints:
Instagram: @wilbosbsyehll

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Happy Trails Exhibit

HAPPY TRAILS Exhibit opens this Friday!

My drawings are on display two times this weekend in Charlotte. See 35 plus drawings from my hiking sketch book.

• June 9, Friday 6 to 8 PM, Charlotte Art League, 4237 Raleigh St, Happy Trials opening Exhibit. 

• June 10, Saturday 11 to 1 PM, Charlotte Art League

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Hiking Sketch Book Part 3

Spent last weekend at Elkin Trail days. I added to my hiking sketch book for this year. I use several mediums in my sketch book: graphite, color pencil and watercolor. I hike along the MST, Mountain to Sea Trail, the Blue Ridge Parkway and other trails. Many of these are from the MST section beginning at Grassy Creek Wintery to Carter Falls north of Elkin NC.