
Monday, August 22, 2022

Seasons of the Stag Calendar about 90% complete

The calendar with the Stag in each of the four seasons is nearing completion. I am about 90% complete. I need some light fall colors in the black and white leaf areas. All are 24 x 18 inches, graphite and watercolor on paper. 

 This is lush, summer leaves and lillies. 

Winter with icicles and holly leaves. 

Spring with lily buds and leaves. 


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Midnight Sun Silk Screens!

Alaskan Sun I began a series of silk screens and paintings of the Alaskan Midnight Sun at Arrowmont this summer. In the arctic summer, the sun rotates in the sky coming close to the horizon, but never actually setting.

The Mindsight Sun print at the top of this post is currently in an exhibit in Chicago’s Bridgeport Arts Center near the White Sox stadium. I layered three different screens. This piece and three others from the series sold before the exhibit in Chicago even began. Many more are available.

These silk screens are 10 x 10 inches. 

Silk Screen Trees at Arrowmont


It’s been a fun summer at Bosbyshell Art Studio. The weather has been hot, so I’m making plenty of Art. Good news! The McColl Center offered to extend my studio there for a second year, so I will be there through May 2023.

Silkscreens I spent two weeks at Arrowmont School of Art. The first week was devoted to silk screen printing. A few examples are below. I plan to continue the tree prints this fall in my McColl Center studio. This type of silk screen creates one print and one ghost print that I will use as a base for a watercolor painting. The silk screen print looks amazingly like a pencil drawing.

All the silk screens above are 8 x 10 on printing paper.